Tuesday, September 20, 2005

US Financial markets obsession with Greenspan

Why is the US financial markets so much obsessed with Greenspan. Let the man do the job of managing the interest rates. Every month or so, the week prior to and the week following the FOMC meeting there is this frenzy of news/notes/analysis/economic theories and what not as to what this guy is going to do. Mr. Greenspan has been the chairman since 86, but I think this obsession with him only started in the late 90 and 2000 era. Especially right after the meeting, people try to disseminate every sentence of his and try to make conclusions on what he meant. I think the only reason why Greenspan defaults his speech to this complexity and vagueness is because irrespective of what he does, the economy will takes its own path that nobody can predict and thus he can cover his A^^ by giving out not so clear statements that can be interpreted in many number of ways.