Sunday, September 09, 2007

Redbooks residency:Day 2:September 5.

The last redbooks resident "Ron Townsend" came on board today. He flew in from Indianapolis. He had given a proof of technology for Wachovia for the printing solutions replacement system, and worked with David Weddle and Jerry Sienkewiz (Coincidence or what).
Framemaker/Writing English class (9:30-12:30). The instructor gave some background on "Kill" names for places around here ( Fishkill/Catskill ). It is terminology for Streams. Asked us to be wary of black bears,deers,chipmunks and poison ivy when doing outdoor activity. The lunch at IBM cafeteria was not much different from yesterday, it is turning out to be more monotonous.
The redbook may be titled: Integrating back-end systems through websphere using webservices.
Finalised the scenarios for the redbook. Topics covered could include:
1. WAS to CICS inbound/outbound with MQ and HHTP transport.
2. DB2 V9 (Viper client) Webservices between WAS and DB2. (Stored procedure and dynamic SQL)
3. WAS to IMS ( MFS based webservices and SOAP IMS gateway)
4. WAS to WAS ( WMQ,SIB, ESB....)
I am teamed to work with Ronald on 2 and 3. Sergio and Mario to work on 3 and 4.
Alex mentioned that he will be out for 2 weeks giving seminars and workshops in B'lore and Chennai,India. Came to know that his India trip was planned 2 months in advance. Beats me as to why he would schedule himself as a residency lead with such a conflict ( Bad planning???)

Quotable Quote: "What you did yesterday is history. What you promise for tomorrow is mystery. What you can deliver today is reality." - Anand P. Shah.